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Making sharing sweet
Nearby devices
The latest news about internet privacy and security. This is also the place for more information about the ToffeeShare platform.
Transfer files (even) faster on Windows
It's almost time to launch our Windows native version of the app and we would like to give you a small sneak peak!
Introducing dark mode and other upcoming features
We've introduced a brand new dark mode to our website.
From Floppies to the Cloud - Does personal storage have a future?
Nowadays almost every software product offers cloud storage options, sometimes as part of the service and sometimes if you pay a little extra. That raises the question: what will be the future of personal (local) data?
Multilingual support is here
We've added basic translations to the website so that we are more user friendly for our non-English speaking users.
Quickly transfer files on your Local Network with Nearby Devices
This post discusses the recent addition of local sharing. The new feature allows users to share files with others on their local network by simply entering a 4-digit code, making the process a bit more user-friendly.
Increased speed and other updates
It's been a while since we last posted a product update. So this will be a small recap of what happened in the last couple of months
How to share an entire folder with someone
How to easily send whole folders to someone keeping the complete folder structure intact.
Why we started showing (some) ads
As some of our long time users may have noticed we started displaying a small amount of ads on the platform. This is a temporary solution and I would like to explain why.
Other file transfer tools (WIP)
Some other great file sharing tool, for when ToffeeShare doesn't get the job done.
Sharing files without using the cloud (long term)
With our latest addition to the Android app it's now possible to share files directly via your mobile phone. It requires some basic steps to get it to work.
Website redesign
Having had the same design for a couple of years, we thought it was time for something fresh
Android App in Open Beta!
Finally, our Android app is now in open beta! Completely decentralized persistent file sharing is now a reality.
How to use Firebase without hurting the privacy of your users
Using third party tools for your applications can have a significant impact on user privacy. Here's how I make sure that doesn't happen.
Coming soon - The Private Mobile Cloud
The reason we took so long to publish our app is because we are trying to add a revolutionary feature to ToffeeShare
How much energy does it cost to store data online
When thinking about storing files in the cloud the biggest worry is usually privacy, and with good reason. However this overshadows another problem with data storage online: energy consumption and with it the environmental impact.
Multiple transfers at once and getting ready for mobile
Just another update, this time we went full out on the backend to make some new features possible such as multiple file transfers at once
Blockchain - facts and fables
Blockchain has been a buzzword for over 5 years, but with the (currently) increasing value of bitcoin it doesn’t seem to fall in popularity. Consequently, we’ve had a number of users ask us about our view about blockchain and if we would incorporate it in our tool.
Series of updates to the platform
It's been a while since you've last heard from us. Behind the scenes we have been preparing some major updates to the platform. This the first of a set of updates taking ToffeeShare into the future
Introducing fallback option for better network support
With the whole world now working from home, we though it would be nice to finally introduce some new features to our platform: Improved speed and a fallback option when no peer to peer connection can be made.
Upcoming changes regarding COVID-19
We would like to announce some upcoming changes to improve your experience working from home during this strange period.
Internet safety etiquettes we should all respect
Yesterday was internet safety day. With data privacy day also just a week behind us, we can see a great shift towards more awareness on internet safety etiquettes. But what does all of this mean for you?
Dutch anti-fraud system has to be withdrawn government is infringing on private lives
Current legislation on the controversial System Risk Indication (SyRI) program will be withdrawn. According to the court of the Hague it is not allowed and does not sufficiently respect the private life of the citizens involved.
TLS 1.3 Finally getting some traction on web browsers
Version 1.3 the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol, has been out there for quite some time and finally starts to get some traction for browser support.
Refeatured on Product Hunt
Last year we shared ToffeeShare on Product Hunt, and we were amazed by the amount of positive feedback we received from all of you. That made us want to take ToffeeShare to the next level, so we've ...
Large file support on more browsers
We hit the unlimited file size mark on Google Chrome and are well on our way to get this working on Firefox too!
Introducing Mobile Connect
A faster way to share files between your PC and mobile phone
Downloading larger files
It was already possible to download extremely large files with ToffeeShare. But we heard that some people had issues with files larger than about 4GB. With this new version this should be fixed. The ...
Big updates, big files
We've made some big improvements to our platform and would love to share them with you:
First and foremost it's now possible to share multiple files at once 🎉 A feature requested by many of ...
Featured all over the internet!
After a submission to Producthunt we've seen a sudden burst over users on our platform! Not only that, be we see many articles talking about ToffeeShare in different countries. We are glad to see more ...
A modest launch
Our official launch, placing ToffeeShare out in the open by sharing it on a multitude of different online platforms aimed at innovation in internet technology