For the best performance we advice you to use either Firefox or Chrome.
Here's a list of the most common web browsers and how well ToffeeShare supports them
Mozilla Firefox -
official website
✔️ Peer to peer communication
✔️ Fallback support
✔️ No file size limit
✔️ Thoroughly tested with every update
Google Chrome -
official website
✔️ Peer to peer communication
✔️ Fallback support
✔️ No file size limit
✔️ Thoroughly tested with every update
Microsoft Edge -
official website
✔️ Peer to peer communication (from version 79 and up)
✔️ Fallback support
✔️ No file size limit
❌ ( Thoroughly tested with every update (Tested every now and then)
Safari -
official website
✔️ Peer to peer communication
✔️ Fallback support
❌ No file size limit (browser misses required implementation, limit tested to be around 4GB)
❌ Thoroughly tested with every update (Tested only with big updates)
Internet explorer
Basically the entire website does not work. Please avoid using this browser, it is a serious security concern.
The list will be updated once we start testing on more browsers. To have a peek if ToffeeShare works on other browsers we would like to point to
this handy website]. If WebRTC is supported in your browser according to this page it should work. If not, please let us know so we can fix it!